(No, not my dog Huck, as pictured here, I found a breathing, typing 2 legged homo sapien....but who better to represent "friendship" than a dog?).
As our out of touch media elite delivered virtual 24/7 coverage of Ted Kennedy's funeral and effused endlessly about the "hope and humanity" that the Kennedy's brought to the American experience, I was busy recruiting on the virtual network in the hopes of improving my own experience by finding another human friend.
While pundits like Matthews and Olberman were waxing nostalgic about the "Liberalism" that the Kennedy's brought to American politics, I was shamelessly promoting myself on Facebook with offers of wonderful gifts and fabulous prizes to anyone who would help me reach the coveted self-important Three Digit Mark of Facebook Friendships.
And while these same pundits were conveniently neglecting to point out that the "Liberalism" as espoused by Jack Kennedy in 1960, has been slaughtered 2 score and 9 times by Democrats and Republicans and effete media like themselves in the almost 50 years since, I was pointing out to anyone who would be my 100th friend on Facebook that what you see is what you get.....no bullshit....no false promises....no bastardizing of any of my messages.
Cuz 49 years ago, Jack Kennedy, the First in The Triumvirate of Kennedy Liberals, the man who laid the groundwork for what was to be our "Great Society" uttered the words which were supposed to be the mantra and the foundation of "Liberalism" in the last half of the 20th Century...words that have been clearly lost, conveniently forgotten and mostly destroyed in the 2009 version of "Liberalism".
"Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country".
I simply told the Facebook Nation that I would provide daily entertainment, inspiring banter, snarky repertoire (and fabulous prizes) if someone would do something for me, at no expense or great outlay of resources on their part, other than putting up with my nonsense, if they so freely chose to be my Friend.
No mandates, no demands on anyone that this was "my right" to have 100 friends, and that someone needed to pony up.
And I am honored to say that I had as much success with my vision today, as the Kennedy's had with their's in a half century of effort.
It's amazing what can be accomplished when you stick to simple principles.
Time to "Be Like Ted" and celebrate my success as all great Irishmen would, after I provide Huck with his dog given right to a daily extended walk.
I would be remiss to not extend a special shoutout to Mrs. Charlie Chilkoot (Jessica Biel, Diane Lane and Charlize Theron declined my offers...shocking), who jumped at the offer of fabulous prizes and became the official "505's 100th Facebook Friend".
I'll do my best to make sure she never regrets her decision. (well... as long as she has some patience and understanding).
Drinks are on me Mrs. Koots, should we ever overcome the barrier of virtuality.
On to the 505th!!
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